Dating sites for non drinkers

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Not drinking forces you to be braver and to make caballeros happen—a good skill to build in life, period. If you really hate it, they usually don't light up in front of you, or demand to sit in the smoking section. This is a place where you can come to bond with men and women who share your experiences and who file what you are going through. That really is a contradiction and you need to get your priorities in order. There is no sense getting offended when someone turns you down for something they see that doesn't qualify you a match in their eyes; its simply a matter of north preference. It's no deal breaker for me dating sites for non drinkers relationships—save, like, alcoholic-levels of drinking, which is a deal breaker for most people. But, businessman he was, he spent 20 minutes trying.

Page 1 of 6 , , , , , What is everyone's experiences been with drinkers dating nondrinkers or recovered alcoholics?? I like to go out and drink, socially with friends about twice a week. In the past I dated a recovered alcoholic and this did not work out because I always felt guilty drinking around him, and one time he almost fell off the wagon. Recently I dated a guy who didn't drink and it also didn't work out because he didnt like me drinking. Drinking is never an issue except in these cases, just wondering what everyone else's experiences are....... But, I guess it depends on how much one drinks while there. I, personally don't like going out and drinking just for the sake of drinking in a bar scene and haven't done it in more than a couple of decades. Been there done that. And if someone I was interested in, does like to go out haunting the bar scene a couple of times a week, it just wouldn't work. But that's just me and my opinion. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't have a drink though, once in a blue moon. It's sort of like dating someone who smokes. If you really hate it, they usually don't light up in front of you, or demand to sit in the smoking section. If I want a glass of wine at home, I'll have it there. No sense in making someone else uncomfortable, but if I feel they're just being controlling, then all bets are off and I'll have that drink. That'll be the end of the dating, too. That shet will kill ya. If you see no problem walking away from someone who doesn't drink because drinking is more important to you, thats on you. Who am I to ask you to look at how that sounds? It's just not what I want in my life thats all! Or are they all drunks?....... If you see no problem walking away from someone who doesn't drink because drinking is more important to you, thats on you. Who am I to ask you to look at how that sounds? I agree with this part. If your drinking causes any problems with your life, drinking is a problem. But the thing you don't get is you state you are tired of the bar scene, yet you are the one who insists on going to the bars twice a week. That really is a contradiction and you need to get your priorities in order. I can't remember your other thread clearly, I should look it up, but I do remember that there were suggestions that you update your photos and you didn't do that. I bring that up because I don't think you were asking for advice then or now. I am thinking that this post wasn't so much to get opinions but to support your drinking, to make it seem normal to go out twice a week and kick the guy to the curb that doesn't or objects to your doing it so often? Call it what you want but either way, it's creating problems for you in the dating world. The LAST thing they need is to be around someone who likes to drink to pull them back down into the gutter! It may not be right or fair, but a lot of people automatically jump to conclusions, depending on which side of the fence they're sitting on. People that don't drink aren't all necessarily recovering alcoholics or religious zealots; they may have their own reasons for choosing not to drink, all perfectly valid for them. Then there are those of us that enjoy drinking socially whatever your definition of that is , but that doesn't make us all potential alcoholics either. I have been tossed aside by someone making the assumption that because I've had 2 beers on a date, I have a problem, and that sort of simplistic, snap judgment turns me off. I like to enjoy a drink socially but I know my tolerance and I'm mindful of my drinking, especially in light of the fact that I have an alcoholic father. I'm not one to subscribe to the notion that alcoholism in and of itself is a disease; if you can freely decide whether or not you get it, that's not a disease in my book. Its all about willpower and self-control, of which I have plenty. But that's a rather lengthy debate for another day. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that don't drink, and if its that important to someone, they should pursue those people. There is no sense getting offended when someone turns you down for something they see that doesn't qualify you a match in their eyes; its simply a matter of personal preference. My Gosh this site can be full of Judging people. Having a drink 2 x's a week is not a problem and it is social. I think some people will inaccurarely stereotype all drinkers as alcohlics because they had a bad experience with an ex-spouse, friend, or family member who was an alcohlic. Sometimes I like to go to bars. Have a few beers. Hang out with friends. But I don't get hammered or act like an idiot when drinking. Drinking in moderation doesn't bother me, it's when people get out of hand that causes the most problems. I've dated men who don't drink and men who do, but will never date someone who shows me that he has a current substance abuse issue. I don't want to have to police someone about something that they should learn to use their better judgement about. Having a drink 2 x's a week is not a problem and it is social. See the OP asked for advice. She did say that she is out for drinks, not one. From the little she wrote it is causing her problems with the men she is dating. That is where the problem is. If drinking causes you a problem, you have a problem with drinking. If you choose alcohol or partying over someone, that is what your priority is. The OP is adult and that is her choice, her decision. If you see a problem, you can either continue what you are doing or make a change. The OP posted a thread before and it didn't appear she took any advice from that thread. Having a drink 2 x's a week is not a problem and it is social. See the OP asked for advice. She did say that she is out for drinks, not one. From the little she wrote it is causing her problems with the men she is dating. That is where the problem is. If drinking causes you a problem, you have a problem with drinking. If you choose alcohol or partying over someone, that is what your priority is. The OP is adult and that is her choice, her decision. If you see a problem, you can either continue what you are doing or make a change. The OP posted a thread before and it didn't appear she took any advice from that thread. I knew the original issue was gonna get sidetracked by the whole drinking thing!! I was gonna go into an either speal in my original post reassuring everyone that I wasnt some alcoholic, and that my relationships don't take a backseat to drinking! But I thought It would 'nt be necessary and didnt. FYI~ as if its any of your business i have a wonderful relationship with all my family and a great network of friends! Currently finishing up my Masters degree that I pay for myself with no aid! And hold down to jobs and pay my mortgage and all other bills on time! I'd like everyone who feels they need to lecture to stop! Also, when I said I was tired of the bar scene I meant MEETING GUYS AT THE BAR!!! This is a DATING SITE!!! Not an AA Meeting! Ya know, to the one poster..... This is only my second time posting and think I'll think twice next time!

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